Will be held on July 17-⁠18, 2023 at Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

The 18th IRSA International Conference.

Welcome to the 18th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Conference. This annual conference will be held on 17-18 July 2023 in the City of Bogor, West Java, and is hosted by Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), Institute of Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) and Center for Regional Systems Analysis, Planning and Development (CrestPent) at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University) in collaboration with IRSA. IPB Universitas is the main agricultural university in Indonesia, and it has played many important roles in promoting research and education in Indonesia. The theme of this year’s IRSA conference is Uncertainty in the Post-pandemic World: Securing the Regional Economy Resilience.

The Conference

This conference is IRSA’s main annual event that promotes the advancement of research across the country. The conference will facilitate open discussions and debates, transfer of knowledge, strategies for policy formulation, and networking amongst scholars and policymakers. Each year since its establishment, the IRSA annual conference has been attended by a large number of academics and policymakers from numerous Indonesian institutions. IRSA has also created a large network of academics and policymakers who are concerned with issues of regional development. This network has now reached a critical mass that can play a major role not only in the academic arena through research and publications but also contribute to the evidence-based regional development policies nationally, regionally, and locally.

The Location

Bogor, West Java Province,


The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with IPB University invite scholars, practitioners, and students to submit papers to be presented in the 18th IRSA International Conference. The theme of the conference is Uncertainty in the Post-pandemic World: Securing the Regional Economy Resilience, and it will be held in Bogor, West Java on 17-18 July 2023.

Potential topics to be discussed in the conference include, but not limited to:

  1. Green/blue economy
  2. Circular economy
  3. Urban-rural linkage and integration
  4. Food sovereignty/security
  5. Energy security
  6. Sustainable and resilient supply chain
  7. SMEs in the global value chains (GVC)
  8. Closed loop agriculture and regional growth
  9. Digital transformation in agriculture
  10. Regional cooperation in addressing the threat of inflation
  11. Digital trade and its challenges
  12. Economic challenges in the post pandemic era
  13. Regional development issues
  14. International trade and domestic trade
  15. Macro and other development issues.

Extended paper abstract of about 500 words should be submitted online via by 28 April 2023.

Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, potential contributions, and keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English, as also the full paper.

Paper sessions are seminar-style for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.


January 9th, 2023 : Abstract Submission Opening

April 28th, 2023 : Abstract Submission Deadline

May 15th, 2023 : Notification of Abstract Acceptance

June 23rd, 2023 : Full Paper Submission Deadline

June 23rd, 2023 : Paper Presenter Registration Deadline

July 7th, 2023 : Non-Presenter Registration Deadline

July 15-16th, 2023 : Pre-Conference Training

July 17-18th, 2023 : Conference Date



17-18 JULY 2023

For the detailed agenda of parallel sessions, please go to your conftool account.
The tentative parallel session agenda can be seen from


DAY 1: 17 July 2023

08.00 – 08.30 : Registration
08.30 – 09.00 : Opening ceremony
09.00 – 10.30 : Plenary Session I
• Speaker I: Assoc. Prof. Arya Gaduh (U of Arkansas)
• Speaker II: Prof. Dominicus S. Priyarsono (IPB)
10.30 – 10.45 : Coffee Break
10.45 – 12.15 : Parallel Session I (3 speakers per session)
12.15 – 13.15 : Lunch Break
13.15 – 15.15 : Parallel Session II (4 speakers per session)
15.15 – 15.20 : Interval
15.20 – 16.50 : Parallel Session III (3 speakers per session)
16.50 – 17.00 : Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.00 : Keynote Address
• Speaker: Prof. Peter Warr (ANU)
19.00 – 21.00 : Gala Dinner

DAY 2: 18 July 2023

09.00 – 10.00 : Book Discussion
• Speaker: Emeritus Prof. Takahiro Akita (International U of Japan)
10.00 – 10.15 : Coffee Break
10.15 – 12.15 : Parallel Session IV (4 speakers per session)
12.15 – 13.15 : Lunch Break
13.15 – 15.15 : Parallel Session V (4 speakers per session)
15.15 – 15.30 : Coffee Break
15.30 – 17.00 : Plenary Session II
• Speaker I: Dr. Sonya Dewi (World Agroforestry)
• Speaker II: Prof. Shyamal Chowdhury (U of Sydney)
17.00 – 17.30 : Closing Ceremony



Emeritus Prof. Peter Warr


Dr. Sonya Dewi (World Agroforesty)


Prof. Shyamal Chowdhury
(U of Sydney)


Assoc. Prof. Arya Gaduh
(U of Arkansas)


Prof. Dominicus S. Priyarsono


Emeritus Prof. Takahiro Akita
(International U of Japan)


The 18th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Conference will be held in:

IPB International Convention Center (IICC)

Botani Square Mall

Jl. Pajajaran No.40, Baranangsiang, Bogor, West Java, INDONESIA

more information


Please note that you have to book your own hotel. The conference committee will not help book a room for you. However, there are plenty of hotels nearby with varying room rates.  Among them are:

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