In collaboration with SMI Institute and Fiscal Policy Agendy (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance, IRSA is organizing two best paper awards:
- IRSA-SMI Institute Paper Awards on the Impact of Infrastructure Disparities on Regional Economic Development
- IRSA-BKF Paper Awards on Structural Transformation for Growth Acceleration.
(click the above link for more info)
How to Apply?
All papers related to the abovementioned topics submitted for presentation at the 18th IRSA International Conference will be considered for these Paper Awards. Three papers for each category will be selected as winners. The papers should be presented at the conference, and all the terms and conditions of the IRSA Conference will apply to all applicants, i.e., paying the registration fee.
● Deadline for submitting an abstract: 14 April 2023
● Deadline for submitting the full paper: 23 June 2023
Extended paper abstract of about 500 words should be submitted online via by 14 April 2023. The abstract should include background, data and methodology, potential contributions, and keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English, as also the entire paper.